Upcoming Pricing Changes
Please read about our upcoming pricing changes: https://blog.appery.io/2016/08/upcoming-new-pricing-consider-subscribing-at-todays-price/.
Platform Update - July 28, 2016
We had a small update earlier today. Not much has been updated but here it is:
Upcoming App Builder Maintenance on July 28
Please note that the Appery.io App Builder (development time) will not be available Thursday, July 28, 4:30AM PT - Thursday, July 28, 6:00AM PT (90 minutes).
Welcome to Our New Docs Portal
For the past two months we have been working on a new docs site, which we are going to launch early next week. The new site has a modern look and feel, better topic organization, improved search functionality, and a simple way to submit edits to the docs. There is a separate and modern API section (API Reference) with a large number of code examples, and new and updated quickstart tutorials.
Switching to HTTPS in September 2016 - What You Need to Know
We want to let you know that after September 15, 2016 we will be moving the Appery.io platform to HTTPS protocol. This blog post explains everything that you need to know about this update.
Exposing External Database to API Express
After our platform update on July 18, when exposing your database to API Express, please make sure to allow connections from the following servers: