Release Notes - April 1st Platform Update

Our April 2018 platform update primarily includes the features that our users asked to be added for a long time and of cause bug fixes.

Here are a few notable items that have been updated:

  • Ability to use own SSL certificates with custom domains for our hosting service.
  • Now we support more advanced version of Cordova Push plugin with Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM).
  • iOS binary settings now has Launch Storyboard Images support.
  • API Express Database connection now has more settings for connecting to your custom database, for example you can now use username, password, and JDBC URL (

And don't forget that we have introduced the Standalone version of our API Express backend services:


  • added: SSL certificate
  • added: Cordova Push plugin with Firebase Cloud Messaging
  • added: Launch Storyboard Image support
  • improved: API Express Database connection