User queries.
Queries with the Users collection can be performed in the same way as any other collection. All of the query constraints can be used.
This examples hows how to get all users with username Dan:
curl -X GET
-H "X-Appery-Database-Id: 544a5cdfe4b03d005b6233b9"
-H "X-Appery-Session-Token: X-Appery-Session-Token"
-G --data-urlencode 'where={"username":"Dan"}'
This example shows how to retrieve all users with email domain domain:
curl -X GET
-H "X-Appery-Database-Id: 544a5cdfe4b03d005b6233b9"
-H "X-Appery-Session-Token: X-Appery-Session-Token"
-G --data-urlencode 'where={"email": {"$regex": ""}}'