📘 This section describes methods for working with the Appery.io AppClient.
AppClient is a platform library developed and provided by Appery.io that acts as middleware between the mobile app and Appery.io backend services (API Express and Appery.io Database).
Appery.io backend services can be used directly, so using AppClient in a mobile app is quite optional.
Consider using AppClient with backend services (API Express and Appery.io Database) - it can be very useful while working with apps using a lot of backend services.
AppClient also comes into play when the app requires some advanced features, like, for example, offline mode support and data synchronization, caching, user autologin.
AppClient provides all these and many other useful features out of the box.
By default $a.aex helper is not available in the project. To enable this helper you need to provide 2 files:
- Settings file AppClientSettings
- External TS lib AppClientMetadata
This is a common Settings file (Create New -> Service -> Settings (REST settings)). Available settings are:
Property | Value | Description |
domain | https://appery.io | Server domain |
apiKey | 65733fc90a975a0123456789 | Database API Key |
currentState | online | Initial state of AppClient (online or offline). If not specified, default value is online. |
handleNetworkState | true | Allow AppClient to detect network state automatically (true or false). If not specified, default value is true. |
cacheTimeout | 43200 | Lifetime of cached requests in seconds . If not specified, default value is 43200 (12 hours). |
requestTimeout | 30 | Number of seconds a request can take before automatically being terminated. If not specified, default value is 30. |
autoLogin | true | Allow AppClient to login in automatically (true or false). If not specified, default value is true. |
clearOnLogout | false | Clear cached user data after logout (true or false). If not specified, default value is false. |
version | 5 | Version of API Express services (don't change this setting) |
backendTarget | ADB | ADB (appery.io DB), AEX (API Express) or CUSTOM. If not specified, default value is AEX. |
autoSync | true | Allow AppClient to run synchronization automatically (true or false). If not specified, default value is true. |
This is a common TypeScript file (Create New -> TypeScript -> Type: External lib).
Here is example for appery.io DB settings
const apiHost = "https://api.appery.io";
const AppClientMetadata = {
"isSecurity": true,
"securityOptionsEnabled": true,
"api": {
"security": {
// use custom backend script for login
"login": {
"method": "POST",
// script id is set in Settings -> loginScriptId
"url": `${apiHost}/rest/1/code/{Settings.loginScriptId}/exec`
// "loginUserByToken"
// "login"
// "logout"
// "signup"
// "updateUser"
// "removeUser"
// "getCurrentUser"
// "sessionTokenParamName":"Authorization",
// "authenticationSchemeName": "Bearer"
// "apiKeyParamName"
"models": [
"modelName": "files",
"modelType": "BACKEND",
"modelSyncType": "ONE_WAY",
"schema": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"_id": {
"type": [
"required": []
"idAttribute": "_id",
// "deletedAttribute": "deleted",
// "modifiedAtAttribute": "_updatedAt",
"mergeAttributes": ["content"],
"api": {
"create": {
"url": `${apiHost}/rest/1/db/files`
"get": {
"url": `${apiHost}/rest/1/db/files/json/{_id}?full_object=true`
"delete": {
"url": `${apiHost}/rest/1/db/files/{_id}`
"find": {
"url": `${apiHost}/rest/1/db/files`
// "update" - not used for files but could be set for other models
export {
Helper properties and methods
state: string;
Current AppClient state. Could be one of: initial, offline, online, not_synced, synchronizing, sync_failed
getState(): Promise<{state: string}>
Get current AppClient state.
Promise with current AppClient state. For example: {state: "offline"}
let state = await this.$a.aex.getState();
getInstance(): Promise
Get full mssdk AppClient instance.
Promise with mssdk AppClient instance.
let mssdk = await this.$a.aex.getInstance();
get(entity: string, id, options ? ): Promise
Get item from entity by id.
- entity - name of the collection or model;
- id - item id;
- options - (optional). Available options are:
- loadingStart - show loading on service execution start (default is false);
- loadingEnd - hide loading on service execution end (default is false);
- loading - boolean. Shortening for (
loadingStart = true
andloadingEnd = true
); - showError - show toast with error if error occurs (default is true);
- message - message to be shown after success service execution;
- errorMessage - message to be shown after error in service execution;
- throwError - throw error if service execution ends with error;
- cached - get from cache (if true) or make a request to the server (if false). If not specified then try to get data from cache and if nothing was found then make a request to the server.
Promise with received object
let item = await this.$a.aex.get("tasks", "52c6bfa7e4b03c65ed01f039");
query(entity: string, params?: {where?: any; sortBy?: string; limit?: number;}, options?): Promise<any[]>
Query entity.
- entity - name of the collection or model;
- params - query params object. Seee details. Available params are:
- where - (optional). object;
- sortBy - (optional). string;
- limit - (optional). number;
- options - (optional). Available options are:
- loadingStart - show loading on service execution start (default is false);
- loadingEnd - hide loading on service execution end (default is false);
- loading - boolean. Shortening for (
loadingStart = true
andloadingEnd = true
); - showError - show toast with error if error occurs (default is true);
- message - message to be shown after success service execution;
- errorMessage - message to be shown after error in service execution;
- throwError - throw error if service execution ends with error;
- cached - get from cache (if true) or make a request to the server (if false). If not specified then try to get data from cache and if nothing was found then make a request to the server.
Promise with array of received objects
let items = await this.$a.aex.query("tasks", {where: {"status": "done"}});
queryOne(entity: string, params?: {where?: any; sortBy?: string;}, options?): Promise
Query entity.
- entity - name of the collection or model;
- params - query params object. Seee details. Available params are:
- where - (optional). object;
- sortBy - (optional). string;
- options - (optional). Available options are:
- loadingStart - show loading on service execution start (default is false);
- loadingEnd - hide loading on service execution end (default is false);
- loading - boolean. Shortening for (
loadingStart = true
andloadingEnd = true
); - showError - show toast with error if error occurs (default is true);
- message - message to be shown after success service execution;
- errorMessage - message to be shown after error in service execution;
- throwError - throw error if service execution ends with error;
- cached - get from cache (if true) or make a request to the server (if false). If not specified then try to get data from cache and if nothing was found then make a request to the server.
Promise with received object
let items = await this.$a.aex.queryOne("tasks", {where: {"status": "done"}});
count(entity: string, params?: {where?: any}, options ? ): Promise<{count: number}>
Query entity and return count of found objects.
- entity - name of the collection or model;
- params - query params object. Seee details. Available params are:
- where - (optional). object;
- options - (optional). Available options are:
- loadingStart - show loading on service execution start (default is false);
- loadingEnd - hide loading on service execution end (default is false);
- loading - boolean. Shortening for (
loadingStart = true
andloadingEnd = true
); - showError - show toast with error if error occurs (default is true);
- message - message to be shown after success service execution;
- errorMessage - message to be shown after error in service execution;
- throwError - throw error if service execution ends with error;
- cached - get from cache (if true) or make a request to the server (if false). If not specified then try to get data from cache and if nothing was found then make a request to the server.
Promise with count of found objects. For example: {count: 5}
let count = await this.$a.aex.count("tasks", {where: {"status": "done"}});
save(entity: string, obj, options?): Promise
Create or update item. If obj has _id parameter then item will be updated. Otherwise new item will be created.
- entity - name of the collection or model;
- obj - item to be saved;
- options - (optional). Available options are:
- loadingStart - show loading on service execution start (default is false);
- loadingEnd - hide loading on service execution end (default is false);
- loading - boolean. Shortening for (
loadingStart = true
andloadingEnd = true
); - showError - show toast with error if error occurs (default is true);
- message - message to be shown after success service execution;
- errorMessage - message to be shown after error in service execution;
- throwError - throw error if service execution ends with error.
Promise with full data of created/saved object. undefined in case of error.
let newItem = {name: "Buy milk", description: "Buy one bottle", status: "new"};
let item = await this.$a.aex.save("tasks", newItem);
delete(entity: string, item, options?): Promise
Delete item.
- entity - name of the collection or model;
- item - item to be deleted (actually only _id property in the item object is needed) or item's _id;
- options - (optional). Available options are:
- loadingStart - show loading on service execution start (default is false);
- loadingEnd - hide loading on service execution end (default is false);
- loading - boolean. Shortening for (
loadingStart = true
andloadingEnd = true
); - showError - show toast with error if error occurs (default is true);
- message - message to be shown after success service execution;
- errorMessage - message to be shown after error in service execution;
- throwError - throw error if service execution ends with error.
Promise with { "status": "success"} or undefined in case of error.
let res = await this.$a.aex.delete("tasks", "65a676d33c62ea0123456789");
clear(entity: string, options?): Promise
Clear cache for the specified entity.
- entity - name of the collection or model;
- options - (optional). Available options are:
- loadingStart - show loading on service execution start (default is false);
- loadingEnd - hide loading on service execution end (default is false);
- loading - boolean. Shortening for (
loadingStart = true
andloadingEnd = true
); - showError - show toast with error if error occurs (default is true);
- message - message to be shown after success service execution;
- errorMessage - message to be shown after error in service execution;
- throwError - throw error if service execution ends with error.
Promise with { "status": "success"} or undefined in case of error.
let res = await this.$a.aex.clear("tasks");
fetch(entity: string, options?): Promise
Fetch the entity to cache.
- entity - name of the collection or model;
- options - (optional). Available options are:
- loadingStart - show loading on service execution start (default is false);
- loadingEnd - hide loading on service execution end (default is false);
- loading - boolean. Shortening for (
loadingStart = true
andloadingEnd = true
); - showError - show toast with error if error occurs (default is true);
- message - message to be shown after success service execution;
- errorMessage - message to be shown after error in service execution;
- throwError - throw error if service execution ends with error.
Promise with { "status": "success"} or undefined in case of error.
let res = await this.$a.aex.fetch("tasks");
lastSyncDate(entity: string, options?): Promise
Returns the last synchronization date for the specified entity.
- entity - name of the collection or model;
- options - (optional). Available options are:
- showError - (optional) show toast with error if error occurs (default is true);
- message - (optional) message to be shown after success service execution;
- errorMessage - (optional) message to be shown after error in service execution;
- throwError - (optional) throw error if service execution ends with error.
Promise with last synchronization date or undefined in case of error.
let lastSyncDate = await this.$a.aex.lastSyncDate("tasks");
load(entity: string, options): Promise
Load the specified items into the entity cache.
- entity - name of the collection or model;
- options - Available options are:
- data - array of item to load;
- loadingStart - (optional) show loading on service execution start (default is false);
- loadingEnd - (optional) hide loading on service execution end (default is false);
- loading - (optional) boolean. Shortening for (
loadingStart = true
andloadingEnd = true
); - showError - (optional) show toast with error if error occurs (default is true);
- message - (optional) message to be shown after success service execution;
- errorMessage - (optional) message to be shown after error in service execution;
- throwError - (optional) throw error if service execution ends with error.
Promise with { "status": "success"} or undefined in case of error.
let res = await this.$a.aex.load("tasks", {data: [
_id: "64268e560f0d3143a9a0f0c7",
name: "Buy milk",
_updatedAt: "2024-12-01T07:47:49.663Z"
fetchMulty(entities: string[], options?): Promise
Fetch multiple entities to cache.
- entities - array of names of collections or models;
- options - (optional). Available options are:
- loadingStart - show loading on service execution start (default is false);
- loadingEnd - hide loading on service execution end (default is false);
- loading - boolean. Shortening for (
loadingStart = true
andloadingEnd = true
); - showError - show toast with error if error occurs (default is true);
- message - message to be shown after success service execution;
- errorMessage - message to be shown after error in service execution;
- throwError - throw error if service execution ends with error.
Promise with { "status": "success"} or undefined in case of error.
let res = await this.$a.aex.fetchMulty(["tasks", "dreams"]);
isLoggedIn(): Promise
Check if user is logged in.
Promise with true if user is logged in otherwise returns false.
let loggedIn = await this.$a.aex.isLoggedIn();
login(payload: {username: string, password: string} , options?): Promise
Login with provided credentials.
- payload - user's credentials:
- username - login;
- password - password;
- options - (optional). Available options are:
- loadingStart - show loading on service execution start (default is false);
- loadingEnd - hide loading on service execution end (default is false);
- loading - boolean. Shortening for (
loadingStart = true
andloadingEnd = true
); - showError - show toast with error if error occurs (default is true);
- message - message to be shown after success service execution;
- errorMessage - message to be shown after error in service execution;
- throwError - throw error if service execution ends with error.
Promise with user's data (_id, sessionToken). If login succeed then sessionToken will be automatically set to AppClient and credentials will be saved to storage for autoLogin.
await this.$a.aex.login(
username: "Joe",
password: "123"
loginAnonymously(options?): Promise
Create temporary user and login with this user's credentials.
Login with provided credentials.
- options - (optional). Available options are:
- loadingStart - show loading on service execution start (default is false);
- loadingEnd - hide loading on service execution end (default is false);
- loading - boolean. Shortening for (
loadingStart = true
andloadingEnd = true
); - showError - show toast with error if error occurs (default is true);
- message - message to be shown after success service execution;
- errorMessage - message to be shown after error in service execution;
- throwError - throw error if service execution ends with error.
Promise with user's data (_id, sessionToken). If login succeed then sessionToken will be automatically set to AppClient and credentials will be saved to storage for autoLogin.
await this.$a.aex.loginAnonymously();
logout(options?): Promise
Logout user.
- options - (optional). Available options are:
- loadingStart - show loading on service execution start (default is false);
- loadingEnd - hide loading on service execution end (default is false);
- loading - boolean. Shortening for (
loadingStart = true
andloadingEnd = true
); - showError - show toast with error if error occurs (default is true);
- message - message to be shown after success service execution;
- errorMessage - message to be shown after error in service execution;
- throwError - throw error if service execution ends with error.
Promise with {status: 'success'}
await this.$a.aex.logout();
userCreate(data: {username: string, password: string}, options?): Promise
Update current user's data.
userData - object with user's data (username and password) to be created.
options - (optional). Available options are:
- loadingStart - show loading on service execution start (default is false);
- loadingEnd - hide loading on service execution end (default is false);
- loading - boolean. Shortening for (
loadingStart = true
andloadingEnd = true
); - showError - show toast with error if error occurs (default is true);
- message - message to be shown after success service execution;
- errorMessage - message to be shown after error in service execution;
- throwError - throw error if service execution ends with error.
Promise with user's data (_id, sessionToken, username).
await this.$a.aex.userCreate({
username: "joe@email.com",
password: "12345"
userGetData(options?): Promise
Get current user's data.
- options - (optional). Available options are:
- loadingStart - show loading on service execution start (default is false);
- loadingEnd - hide loading on service execution end (default is false);
- loading - boolean. Shortening for (
loadingStart = true
andloadingEnd = true
); - showError - show toast with error if error occurs (default is true);
- message - message to be shown after success service execution;
- errorMessage - message to be shown after error in service execution;
- throwError - throw error if service execution ends with error.
Promise with the user's data (_id, username).
let userData = await this.$a.aex.userGetData();
userUpdate(data: {username: string, password: string}, options?): Promise
Update current user's data.
- userData - object with user's data (username and password) to be updated.
- options - (optional). Available options are:
- loadingStart - show loading on service execution start (default is false);
- loadingEnd - hide loading on service execution end (default is false);
- loading - boolean. Shortening for (
loadingStart = true
andloadingEnd = true
); - showError - show toast with error if error occurs (default is true);
- message - message to be shown after success service execution;
- errorMessage - message to be shown after error in service execution;
- throwError - throw error if service execution ends with error.
Promise with the full user's data.
await this.$a.aex.userUpdate({
username: "joe@email.com",
password: "12345"
userRemove(options?): Promise
Remove current user.
- options - (optional). Available options are:
- loadingStart - show loading on service execution start (default is false);
- loadingEnd - hide loading on service execution end (default is false);
- loading - boolean. Shortening for (
loadingStart = true
andloadingEnd = true
); - showError - show toast with error if error occurs (default is true);
- message - message to be shown after success service execution;
- errorMessage - message to be shown after error in service execution;
- throwError - throw error if service execution ends with error.
Promise with {status: 'success'}
await this.$a.aex.userRemove();
getSessionToken(): Promise<string|undefined>
Get current Session Token.
Promise with current Session Token or undefined if Session Token was not set.
let token = await this.$a.aex.getSessionToken();
setSessionToken(data: {token: string}, options?): void
Set session token. If you login with login or userCreate then session token will be set automatically and there is no need to set session token with this method.
await this.$a.aex.setSessionToken({token:"86a3f366-ec22-4006-9571-05b49965aef2"});
clearUserData(options?): Promise
Clear all deferred actions and cache.
- options - (optional). Available options are:
- loadingStart - show loading on service execution start (default is false);
- loadingEnd - hide loading on service execution end (default is false);
- loading - boolean. Shortening for (
loadingStart = true
andloadingEnd = true
); - showError - show toast with error if error occurs (default is true);
- message - message to be shown after success service execution;
- errorMessage - message to be shown after error in service execution;
- throwError - throw error if service execution ends with error.
await this.$a.aex.clearUserData();
addListener(event: string, listener: Function): Promise
Add listener for the specified AppClient event.
- event - name of the event. Available events are: statechange, init, auth.success, auth.failed, auth.logout
- listener - function to be invoked when specified event fires
Promise with undefined
const func = (newState) => console.log(newState);
await this.$a.aex.addListener("statechange", func);
removeListener(event: string, listener: Function): Promise
Remove listener for the specified AppClient event.
- event - name of the event. Available events are: statechange, init, auth.success, auth.failed, auth.logout
- listener - function
Promise with undefined
const func = (newState) => console.log(newState);
await this.$a.aex.addListener("statechange", func);
await this.$a.aex.removeListener("statechange", func);
goOnline(options?): Promise
Set current state to online after goOffline.
- options - (optional). Available options are:
- loadingStart - show loading on service execution start (default is false);
- loadingEnd - hide loading on service execution end (default is false);
- loading - boolean. Shortening for (
loadingStart = true
andloadingEnd = true
); - showError - show toast with error if error occurs (default is true);
- message - message to be shown after success service execution;
- errorMessage - message to be shown after error in service execution;
- throwError - throw error if service execution ends with error.
await this.$a.aex.goOnline();
goOnline(options?): Promise
Emulate offline state.
- options - (optional). Available options are:
- loadingStart - show loading on service execution start (default is false);
- loadingEnd - hide loading on service execution end (default is false);
- loading - boolean. Shortening for (
loadingStart = true
andloadingEnd = true
); - showError - show toast with error if error occurs (default is true);
- message - message to be shown after success service execution;
- errorMessage - message to be shown after error in service execution;
- throwError - throw error if service execution ends with error.
await this.$a.aex.goOffline();
retrySync(options?): Promise<{status: string}>
Retry synchronization. Call it before getConflict to get full data from server (see httpErrorResponse property).
- options - (optional). Available options are:
- loadingStart - show loading on service execution start (default is false);
- loadingEnd - hide loading on service execution end (default is false);
- loading - boolean. Shortening for (
loadingStart = true
andloadingEnd = true
); - showError - show toast with error if error occurs (default is true);
- message - message to be shown after success service execution;
- errorMessage - message to be shown after error in service execution;
- throwError - throw error if service execution ends with error.
Promise with {status: 'failed'} or {status: 'success'}.
await this.$a.aex.retrySync();
getConflict(options?): Promise
Get next conflict.
- options - (optional). Available options are:
- loadingStart - show loading on service execution start (default is false);
- loadingEnd - hide loading on service execution end (default is false);
- loading - boolean. Shortening for (
loadingStart = true
andloadingEnd = true
); - showError - show toast with error if error occurs (default is true);
- message - message to be shown after success service execution;
- errorMessage - message to be shown after error in service execution;
- throwError - throw error if service execution ends with error.
Promise with object.
status: "success"|undefined, // if "success" then no conflict was found
content: {
data: {....}, // new data (after editing)
revertedData: {....} // data before editing
httpErrorResponse: {
httpStatus: number,
modifiedEntityNode: {....}, // current item data from server
response: {....}, // server response
responseHeaders: {....},// server response headers
statusText: string
modelName: string, // Name of the current model
operation: string // Current operation ("UPDATE", "CREATE", etc.)
let conflict = await this.$a.aex.getConflict();
resolveConflict(data?: {action?: string, data?: any}, options?): Promise
Get next conflict.
- data - (optional):
- action - string. One of "UPDATE", "UNDO", "DELETE"
- data - new data (in case of UPDATE action). In case of UPDATE action set _updatedAt property of the new data to the current value from server (conflict.httpErrorResponse.modifiedEntityNode._updatedAt)
- options - (optional). Available options are:
- loadingStart - show loading on service execution start (default is false);
- loadingEnd - hide loading on service execution end (default is false);
- loading - boolean. Shortening for (
loadingStart = true
andloadingEnd = true
); - showError - show toast with error if error occurs (default is true);
- message - message to be shown after success service execution;
- errorMessage - message to be shown after error in service execution;
- throwError - throw error if service execution ends with error.
Promise with {status: 'failed'} or {status: 'success'}.
await this.$a.aex.retrySync();
let conflict = await this.$a.aex.getConflict();
let newData = conflict.content.data;
newData._updatedAt = conflict.httpErrorResponse?.modifiedEntityNode?._updatedAt;
await this.$a.aex.resolveConflict({action: "UPDATE", data: newData}, {loading: true});
resetFailedSync(options?): Promise
Reset all deferred actions.
- options - (optional). Available options are:
- loadingStart - show loading on service execution start (default is false);
- loadingEnd - hide loading on service execution end (default is false);
- loading - boolean. Shortening for (
loadingStart = true
andloadingEnd = true
); - showError - show toast with error if error occurs (default is true);
- message - message to be shown after success service execution;
- errorMessage - message to be shown after error in service execution;
- throwError - throw error if service execution ends with error.
await this.$a.aex.resetFailedSync()