
Collection.updateObject(dbApiKey, collectionName, objectId, objectJSON[, token])

Updates an object with new values.


The method has the following parameters:

dbApiKeyDatabase API key.Yes.
tokenString with user token or database master key.No.
collectionNameString with name of collection.Yes.
objectIDUnique identifier of object that should be updated.Yes.
objectJSONJSON object which holds columns and new data. Only field which are sent in this object will be updated. Columns not present will not be updated.Yes.


The function returns the time stamp when the object was modified:

_updatedAtTime stamp when the object was modified.

This example shows how to update three columns in the Student collection. Columns for which data is not sent are not updated (values are unchanged).

var dbApiKey = "c33010af-f263-4443-9897-c2ffaf522956";
var result = Collection.updateObject(dbApiKey, "Student", "57a52796e4b03647ddae32a5", {
  "isTransferStudent": true,
  "major": {"name":"Biology"},
  "courses": [300, 305]
	"_updatedAt": {
		"$date": "2016-08-06T00:15:41.350Z"
You can also provide a session token if security is enabled for this collection:

var dbApiKey = "c33010af-f263-4443-9897-c2ffaf522956";
var token = "...";
var result = Collection.updateObject(dbApiKey, "Student", "57a52796e4b03647ddae32a5", {
  "isTransferStudent": true,
  "major": {"name":"Biology"},
  "courses": [300, 305]
}, token);