AppClient App Services
AppClient Services
API Express Generator provides the following services to work with AppClient:

AppClientDeleteCurrentUser - can be used to remove the currently logged-in user on the backend and clear all locally cached user data.
AppClientGetConflict - can be used to get detailed information about the data synchronization error.
AppClientGetCurrentUser - can be used to get current logged in user data.
AppClientGetInstance - can be used to get the current active AppClient instance. Can be useful in some advanced cases that can’t be implemented with services provided by the API Express Generator.
AppClientGetState - can be used to get current state of AppClient*. (online\offline\sync_failed etc)
AppClientGoOffline - can be used to switch the AppClient state to offline.
AppClientGoOnline - can be used to switch the AppClient state to online.
AppClientLogin - can be used to perform user login.
AppClientLoginAnonymously - can be used to generate and log in the user with some random used data.
AppClientLogout - can be used to perform user logout.
AppClientResetFailedSync - can be used to remove all conflicted offline data that caused ‘syncfailed’ stated and reset the AppClient state to _online.
AppClientResolveConflict - can be used to fix some conflicting data that caused the sync_failed stated.
AppClientRetrySync - can be used to restart the data sync process.
AppClientSetSessionToken - can be used to set user access session token manually. Can be useful in some advanced cases.
AppClientSignUp - can be used to perform new user sign up.
AppClientUpdateCurrentUser - can be used to update logged in user data, for example, username or password.
AppClientSettings service
The API Express Generator service file filled with project settings and the API Express API key.
Go to the Project tab to check the
AppClientSettings (API Express > AppClient > AppClientSettings):

domain - API Express server domain. The default value is
apiKey - API Express project API key. The default value is apikey of the API Express project selected via API Express Generator.
currentState - Initial state of AppClient (online or offline). The default value is online.
handleNetworkState - Allows AppClient to detect network state automatically (true or false). The default value is true.
cacheTimeout - Lifetime of cached requests in seconds. The default value is 43200 seconds (12 hours).
requestTimeout - Number of seconds a request can take before automatically being terminated. The default value is 30 seconds.
autoLogin - Allows AppClient to login in automatically (true or false). The default value is true.
clearOnLogout - Clears cached user data after logout (true or false). The default value is false.
version - internal version of API Express services (must NOT be modified).
Updated 2 months ago