Appery Document Scanner Cordova Plugin

Document Scanner Cordova Plugin
Plugin for live document detection and auto cropping, returns either a URI or a base64 encoded string of the captured image.
Supported platforms
- Android. Min SDK = 24, Target SDK = 30.
DocScannerPlugin.scan(successCallback, errorCallback, options)
- {function} success - callback function called when an image has been scanned successfully. Returns image URI or image as base64 depending on the options passed in;
- {function} error - callback function called when an error occurs. It returns the error message as a string;
- {object} options - options for document scanner;
Prop | Default | Type | Description |
overlayColor | rgba(66,165,245, 0.7) | string | Color of the detected rectangle. See supported colors below. |
borderColor | rgba(66,165,245, 0.7) | string | Color color of the borders of detected rectangle. See supported colors below. |
detectionCountBeforeCapture | 15 | integer | Number of correct rectangle to detect before capture |
enableTorch | false | bool | Allows to active or deactivate flash during document detection |
brightness | 10 | float | Increase or decrease image brightness.Recommended values [0-100] |
contrast | 1 | float | Increase or decrease image contrast. Recommended values [1.0-3.0] |
useBase64 | false | bool | If base64 representation should be passed instead of image uri's |
captureMultiple | false | bool | Keeps the scanner on after a successful capture |
Sample options JSON
All properties are optional
"overlayColor": "rgba(66,165,245, 0.7)",
"borderColor": "rgba(66,165,245, 0.7)",
"detectionCountBeforeCapture": 15,
"enableTorch": false,
"brightness": 10,
"contrast": 1,
"useBase64": true,
"captureMultiple": true
Supported overlay colors
, rgba(RRR, GGG, BBB, A.A)
The following names are also accepted:
, blue
, green
, black
, white
, gray
, cyan
, magenta
, yellow
, lightgray
, darkgray
, grey
, darkgrey
, aqua
, fuchsia
, lime
, maroon
, navy
, olive
, purple
, silver
, teal
Contrast and brightness OpenCV transformation
For contrast and brightness adjustment, plugin uses OpenCV Mat.convertTo()
For additional information, please see the link
Updated 9 months ago