Mobile App Education/Development Services
With our education and development services, we provide individualized online educational sessions, highly qualified app development guidance, or enhanced customer-centered assistance in designing, building, and testing your mobile app(s). To get the professional help needed, please consider purchasing our Support Pack service hours depending on the application and your requirements.
To get the professional help needed, you can choose between:
- Education Support Pack (5 hrs), recommended for purchase if you only need to get dedicated advisory online services provided by our Support Team
and - Development Support Packs (several options are available) delivered by our Services Development Team and targeted at offering a wider range of expert app analysis, technical (including BA) advisory, professional development, and other services.
We also offer the option of purchasing our Custom Development Project, a more ongoing pack covering many areas and aimed at assisting in the full life cycle of app development.
To purchase the service hours, go to the Account > Support Packs tab and choose one of our Service Support Packs depending on the application and your needs.
Important Note: Education vs Development Pack!
Our Education Support Pack services are delivered through ONLINE advisory meeting(s) where the customer can get assistance and/or guidance in working with the Platform and the backend services it offers.
It CANNOT be used for making research into any customer's project issues with further addressing them, project troubleshooting or bug fixing, feature development, etc.So, please do not purchase the Education Support Pack if you need qualified development help with troubleshooting, debugging your project, or resolving any project issue(s) but consider our Development Support Packs that are delivered by our Services Development Team instead.

SCREENSHOTS (also, in the linked doc) TO BE UPDATED
Important Note!
Please note that all Support Pack hours must be used within 60 days of purchase.
More details on how to make a purchase can be found here.
Note that only Admins have access to the Support Packs tab.
Providing Support Pack Services
In this section, you will find information about the specifics of providing online educational or enhanced development assistance within the scope of our paid Support Pack service hours.
Tip: Before Purchasing Service Pack Hours
We highly recommend that you first double-check that your issue cannot be resolved within the scope of our free support.
For example, if you are looking for information about the Button properties or trying to figure out how to create your first Database, you can get all the needed qualified assistance from our support engineer free of charge (you can find the details on our general support policy here). Otherwise, if you ask for such help within the scope of a paid service support pack, this assistance and/or guidance will be calculated toward the remaining hours.
For your convenience, below, you will find the description of the Service Support Packs that come with hours of
- a) qualified online advice from our Support Team that will be happy to assist you in getting started with the Platform and the related backend services
and - b) expert development assistance from our Services Development Team who have valuable knowledge and expertise in the field of mobile app development so that you could get your app ready and functioning as expected.
Education Support Pack
The Education Support Pack (5 hrs priced at $600) is aimed at providing online assistance from our Support Team. The pack hours are organized into the scheduled online educational advisory meeting(s), 1 < hour(s) per session.
During such sessions, you will be able to educate yourself about using the platform and get answers to your questions about working with the visual App Builder tools as well as using other backend services provides (Database, Server Code, API Express, Push Notifications, etc.). Another advantage of scheduling such meetings is that you can personally track time and monitor what tasks the support hours are spent on.
Please be aware that educational service hours CANNOT be used for investigating and addressing any (even minor) project issue(s) or providing debugging assistance.
All of the above will require the involvement of our Services Development Team professionals and therefore cannot be applied to a new customer requesting development support on an entry level (with no requirements documents/mockups, etc.).
Enterprise Plan
Enterprise plan users get 5 hours of dedicated educational support services (Education (5 hours) Support Pack) on the monthly basis.
Enhanced (Development) Support Packs
The Development Support Pack options (8 hrs and up) are targeted at offering a wide range of expert app analysis, development, technical (including BA) advisory, and other services.
Such services can include, but are not limited to:
- App performance analysis
- Enhanced research and technical advisory assistance
- Feature development
- Project troubleshooting, debugging, and bug fixing
- Writing custom app code (HTML, JavaScript, CSS, Apache Cordova) or logic
- Assistance with third-party libraries, Javascript coding, etc.
- Integration with external resources and services (for example, integrating 3rd party REST services)
- Submitting app(s) to the app stores.
All options are flexible enough to be tailored to the particular customer's needs and all the requirements are discussed independently to address the needed issues. The main difference is the number of hours to be spent and their price, for example:
Development Support Packs | Price |
Low-effort (8 hours) Support Pack | $960 |
Low-effort (16 hours) Support Pack | $1920 |
Enhanced (24 hours) Support Pack | $2880 |
Enhanced (40 hours) Support Pack | $4000 |
40 hrs pack, for example, is worth investing in when more work needs to be done towards the customer project and/or several app issues need to be addressed.
Such pack is also more cost-efficient since its price is $100/hour which is less in comparison with the Low-effort Support Pack offered.
We charge by the hour; our developer will provide you an estimate on the next task(s) that can fit into the purchased support hours, and provide a report on the hours used.
Work with Business Analyst
Please note that until we have enough information from you for the estimates to be precise enough, we can only give you estimates as-is, which could mean that the price can change (become lower and higher), depending on the requirements. Therefore, we strongly recommend starting work on your project with a Business Analyst from The advantage of working with a BA would be that you will have clear requirements prepared, you can discuss the specifics of your application and what can be taken from the services you’ve mentioned as an example. After having clear requirements, we can give you more precise estimates in terms of time and cost.
It will cost about 40 hrs service pack and at the end, you will have a high-level design and requirements document.
In the scope of the Development Support Pack, we can evaluate your development request (for example, video hosting service integration with and/or help you with other consulting and coding tasks in that you deem appropriate.
Estimating Tasks
Check here for more details about how tasks are estimated.
Typical Tasks Estimates
It's important that you understand that in mobile app development, every new customer development request calls for making a targeted investigation into this particular use case followed by contacting the customer about the project/issue details. The development service hours are always charged for the work of a developer and this is the way any service in the field works, the Services being no exception.
In most cases, for resolving any project issue (even seemingly minor one) several such sessions (meeting with a customer to discuss the issue - investigating it - suggesting a solution(s) - verifying that the offered solution matches the requirements of the particular project/environment - looking for another solution if the previous does not satisfy all the needs, etc.) are required.
To exemplify, before our specialist can provide you with technical advice and/or help with playing back some specific audio file, he will first need to clarify the project onset to be able to reproduce the reported issue in the support environment. To do that, the change of the environment and creating a new app with further building it for a particular operating system will be necessary. Then, testing the file playback on (a) specific device(s) will be required (please note as well that it’s impossible to have all the mobile devices available on the market today). In total, the time slot allocated for such engineering workload will make a minimum 0.5 < hour(s) per request /email.
Later, during troubleshooting, it can become clear that the issue might be attributed to the customer’s particular device and/or its configurations or be related to its operating system specifics, exceeding the allowed sound file size, etc. which will require additional investigation and make the process quite time-consuming. In such cases, you need to be aware that reproducing, troubleshooting, and/or resolving newly discovered issues will also be calculated toward the remaining support pack hours.
Below, you will find the table with the typical tasks estimates to consider before purchasing our Service Support Pack.
User Story | Development UI/UX (Hours) | In app logic and integrations (Hours) | Total Development Estimate (Hours) | Weighted Risk (%) | Final Development Activity (Hours) |
Registration | 4 | 4 | 8 | 30% | 10.4 |
Login | 2 | 3 | 5 | 30% | 6.5 |
Restore Password | 2 | 2 | 4 | 30% | 5.2 |
Change Password | 3 | 3 | 6 | 30% | 7.8 |
Static page like Terms of Use | 4 | 0 | 4 | 30% | 5.2 |
Profile form of average complexity to update user's data (<10 input fields) | 8 | 8 | 16 | 30% | 20.8 |
Push Notifications setup | 0 | 4 | 4 | 30% | 5.2 |
Push Notifications server code | 0 | 10 | 10 | 30% | 13 | DB structure setup | 0 | 4 | 4 | 30% | 5.2 |
Deploy mobile app to App Store | 16 | 0 | 16 | 50% | 24 |
Deploy mobile app to Google Play | 16 | 0 | 16 | 50% | 24 |
Please be aware that the provided estimates should be regarded as approximate and there are use cases when the weighted risk rate needs to be calculated beyond the indicated scope and, as a result, the final development activity effort might not fit into the assumed support hours range!
If interested, please check here to learn how to purchase our Service Support Packs service hours depending on the application and your requirements, and we will be happy to help you in scope of the purchased service pack hours.
Custom Development Project Pack
We also offer the option of purchasing our Custom Development Project, a more ongoing pack covering many areas and aimed at assisting in the full life cycle of app development.
Updated about 2 months ago