Google Map Lite
Overview of the Google Map Lite Component
The Google Map Lite component allows you to embed the limited functionality of Google Maps into your test app without adding Google Maps web browser API key. In this component, the Appery public key is used to allow to you test the basic map functionality without investing costs and time into configuring the key.
This differentiates this component from the Google Map component which cannot function without setting the Google API Key on the App Settings page of your app.
The Google Map Lite component works in both web applications and native applications. However, for proper functionality, it is highly recommended to set your own key. You can specify it the API key field or in the app App Settings page.
Important Note!
This document lists the properties that are specific to this particular UI component.
To check for the properties common for most UI components, please check the General components document.
The Google Map Lite component has the following Common properties:
Property Name | Property Description |
Map Type | MapType ID is a way to differently display the map in the application. The allowed values are roadmap (default) orsatellite. |
API Key | Google Map API key. |
Language | Use to define the language to use for UI elements and for the display of labels on map tiles. |
Region | Add the two-character region code (ex. US, UA) to define the appropriate borders and labels to display, based on geo-political sensitivities. |
Place | Use to define map marker location. Default is set to Golden Gate Park, SF, USA. |
View point | Google Map viewpoint properties: Latitude defines the center of the map. Longitude defines the center of the map. |
Use the
prefix to increase the priority of your custom classes.Example: {.....}
Visit the Angular+ Google Map Documentation to read more about Angular+ Google Map.
Visit the Google Map JS API Documentation to read more about Google Map JS API.
Want to know more?
You can also check this document on the Google Map component sample app demonstrating how to use this component in an Ionic app.
You can read more about the Google Map properties here.
You might also like this Community video that shows how to create an Ionic application for choosing the best place for a party (using the voting functionality) by using the Google Map component:
You might also like our Community video that shows how to use the Google Maps component to get current geolocation with Geo Service plugin:
Updated about 1 month ago