Appery Translation

Translate text


Supported languages

  • {string} text - text to be translated
  • {string} targetLanguage - language code of the language to translate to
  • {string} sourceLanguage - language code of the language to translate from
  • {function} success - callback function which takes a parameter data which will be invoked on success
  • {function} error - callback function which takes a parameter err which will be invoked on failure
Important notice:

Target Language and Source Language translate models should be downloaded before calling translate.

Check it with Translator.getDownloadedModels and then call Translator.downloadModel if desired model is missing (see below)

Supported languages and their codes can be retrieved via Translator.getSupportedLanguages

window.ApperyioMLCordovaPlugin.Translator.translate("Translate this string from Spanish to English", "es", "en", successCallback, errorCallback)

Sample JSON callback: translation.json

Get downloaded offline translate models


List of language models that have been downloaded to the device.

  • {function} success - callback function which takes a parameter data which will be invoked on success
  • {function} error - callback function which takes a parameter err which will be invoked on failure
window.ApperyioMLCordovaPlugin.Translator.getDownloadedModels(successCallback, errorCallback)

Sample JSON callback: downloaded_translate_models.json

Download / Delete offline translate models



List of language models that have been downloaded to the device.

Important notice:

Make sure that network is available first.

Language models are around 30MB, so don't download them unnecessarily, and only download them using WiFi, unless the user has specified otherwise.

  • {string} code - language code of the language model
  • {function} success - callback function which takes a parameter data which will be invoked on success
  • {function} error - callback function which takes a parameter err which will be invoked on failure
window.ApperyioMLCordovaPlugin.Translator.Translator.deleteModel("es", successCallback, errorCallback)
window.ApperyioMLCordovaPlugin.Translator.Translator.downloadModel("es", successCallback, errorCallback)

Sample JSON callback: download_delete_translate_model.json