Ionic 5 Themes Plug-ins
Coral Theme

If you would like to easily customize the theme of your app but would not prefer spending too much time on this job, please consider adding the predefined themes to your project.
Check this link to learn how to add predefined themes to your projects.
Dark Theme

Interested in adding support of dark color schemes to your app? With using our Dark Theme plug-in this task is really simple to do.
Check out this link to make sure you know how to do it.
Green Theme

If you are looking for how to easily set the eco-friendly theme for your app, please consider adding the predefined themes to your project.
To learn how to add and/or manage customized themes in your apps, check this document.
Purple Theme

If you would like to easily customize the theme of your app and would not like to spend too much time on this job, please consider adding the predefined themes to your project.
Please check out this page to make sure you know how to do it.
Updated almost 3 years ago